Rolls-Royce is the leading provider of propulsion system solutions for today’s business jets, holding 39 percent of the market by value share and providing power to today’s largest, fastest and longest-range business jets.
The company offers long-term CorporateCare® agreements for its BR725, BR710, Tay and AE 3007 engines. Benefits of enrollment include low risk, fixed cost engine maintenance, reduced management burden, enhanced aircraft resale value, increased aircraft availability and reduced capital investment, to name a few. Operators have access to 24/7 worldwide coverage and remote site assistance from a growing global Rolls-Royce corporate aircraft authorized service center network and On-Wing Care ® service center support programs. CorporateCare covers scheduled and unscheduled shop visit costs, lease engines, engine changes and transportation, Rolls-Royce spare part repair and replacement, engine condition monitoring, and technical assistance, publications and training.
“At Rolls-Royce, we are trusted to deliver excellence through both our engines and our CorporateCare maintenance program,” says Stephen Friedrich, vice president of sales and marketing. “CorporateCare is a comprehensive, fixed-cost engine maintenance management plan that enhances asset value and protects against unforeseen costs and unscheduled events anywhere in the world.”
CorporateCare is a simple, flexible and comprehensive cost-per-flight-hour service designed to deliver a highly competitive engine maintenance program to corporate customers. It involves a partnership between the operator and Rolls-Royce aimed at maximizing engine reliability, longevity and durability.
When an operator enrolls an aircraft in CorporateCare, Friedrich says, it gives the aircraft an enhanced resale value because prospective buyers will have the assurance that the engines have been properly managed and maintained with the experience and knowledge only the original equipment manufacturer can provide. In addition, enrollment is fully transferrable.
Rolls-Royce has a long history of offering programs that provide service support of the operator’s engines in return for fixed payment per hour flow. Its trademarked “Power by the Hour” program has been in existence for nearly 50 years. Today, it continues to take services to new levels with CorporateCare and On-Wing Care service center support programs.
Rolls-Royce is a member of the National Aircraft Resale Association.
For more information about Rolls-Royce and CorporateCare click on the links, review the FAQs on the website or contact Stephen Friedrich at +1-703-621-2715 or email: