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The IADA Business Aviation Scholarship was established to benefit university students seeking a career in Business Aviation. The amount of Scholarship funds to be made available each year, and for any one Scholarship winner, shall be determined annually by the IADA Board of Directors.

Application Process and Deadlines

IADA will accept applications from qualified applicants attending colleges and universities offering course work in Corporate Aviation Management, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Aviation Safety, Finance, Business Marketing, Economics and/or studies that relate to Aviation Business/Management.

Applications will open each year in June and close September 1st. The IADA Board shall approve all Scholarships to be awarded each year and advise all Applicants through their University’s Financial Aid Office, by no later than November 30th.

IADA is committed to providing Scholarships on an annual basis to worthy candidates. However, IADA will be under no obligation to provide any Scholarships during any single calendar year.

Scholarship Amounts

Scholarships awards are monetary and may be from $1,000 to $5,000 in value.

Scholarship Qualifications

This award is available to full-time, undergraduate (freshman through senior) students (a minimum of 12 hours/semester) and graduate students. Applicants must have a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA on a 4.0 grade scale (high school GPA for freshman applicants).

Application submission

All completed applications, transcripts and required essay, must be submitted online to IADA via our online application no later than September 1st. Click here to view a list of participating colleges and universities.

Online Application

Can Apply Here

Follow Us!

Please contact:
Erika Ingle, IADA Managing Director
Office: 866-284-4744
Email: erika@iada.aero

Contributions to the IADA Business Aviation Scholarship

Donations from corporations and individuals are gratefully accepted for this worthwhile scholarship program. Send your check to:
IADA Foundation
770 S 13th St #6530
Boise ID 83707-6530
Attn: Scholarship Award Selection Committee

Checks should be made payable to: IADA Foundation