Contributed by Jeannine Falter, Vice President of Business Development for Duncan Aviation and co-chair for the NBAA Leadership Conference to be held in 2014 and 2015.
Three years ago I joined the NBAA Corporate Aviation Management Committee (CAMC). The committee’s mission is to provide guidance to business aviation department leaders that will help them be more successful and effective. Management trends, developing departmental objectives, policies, standards, personnel selection, training, fiscal control and operational evaluation are just a few areas of focus. One of the committee’s most important offerings is the annual NBAA Leadership Conference.
The 2013 NBAA Leadership Conference was recently held in Austin,Texas. Unlike any other aviation conference or meeting, speakers at this two-day conference are not necessarily aviation-related. They are top-notch leadership experts. This year, conference speakers focused on how leaders leave a legacy and inspire the future. Conference participants heard riveting messages and left the conference energized and motivated to become a better leader in all aspects of their lives.
The demographics of business aviation clearly indicate that in the next two decades, our industry will be hit hard by retirements. Many well-known faces will most certainly move on from their day-to-day management roles. As one of these “baby-boomers,” it is time to ask myself what my legacy will be and what my succession plan is. These are questions our industry faces as well: What is the business aviation industry’s succession plan?
We obviously need to do everything we can to attract the best and the brightest to aviation—providing them with critical learning experiences in leadership and technical skills, and a positive work environment so they will stay engaged and grow business aviation into the future. How, exactly, do we do that?
Developing the future leaders of business aviation and re-investing in those working in our industry today are passions of mine. They are why I am active on the CAMC committee, and why Duncan Aviation chose to be a platinum sponsor for the leadership conference this year. We believe it is an excellent way to invest in the future and ensure the ongoing success of business aviation for years to come.
I encourage you to attend the NBAA Leadership Conference next year. And I strongly encourage business aviation companies and individuals to invest in the future and help sponsor the conference. Sponsorship dollars invested in this particular conference determine in large part the speakers we can engage and the thought-provoking experience that attendees have.
The 2014 NBAA Leadership Conference will be held the week of February 17, 2014, in Atlanta. As co-chair of next year’s conference, I will be working with Bob Hobbi, owner of Service Elements inPhoenix, to line up speakers. Please contact me if you have suggestions or comments regarding the conference or if you would like to consider becoming a sponsor. Just give me a call at 402-475-2611.