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Launch: IADA Market Report

IADA First Quarter 2021 Market ReportRegisters Over 200 Preowned Aircraft Deals

Predicts Slight Increases Over Next 6 Months

USA, April 19, 2021 – Members of the International Aircraft Dealers Association (IADA) closed 211 preowned aircraft sales transactions in the first quarter of 2021, with another 246 aircraft under contract to close in the next few months. The data was included in the Spring 2021 IADA Market Report.

IADA began tracking preowned sales metrics for business aircraft in April 2020 on a monthly basis as a result of the volatile market conditions caused by the pandemic. Transaction volume by member dealers reflects the overall health of the used aircraft market, because IADA-accredited dealers buy and sell more aircraft by dollar volume than the rest of the world’s dealers combined.

Members average over 700 transactions and $6 billion in sales volume per year, and actually registered over 1,200 global transactions, worth more than $10 billion, in the past 12-month period, from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

Expecting a Slight Increase Across Markets

“This IADA data clearly indicates that the aviation industry has proven its resilience through the economic fluctuations brought about by the pandemic, and is now on a trajectory for continued success,” said IADA Executive Director Wayne Starling.

“Furthermore , a perception survey of our members indicates they expect the next six months to demonstrate a slight increase in all market conditions, with the strongest areas of increase in the light and mid-sized jet markets,” Starling added.

The perception survey reflects the opinions of IADA’s entire global network of accredited dealers, certified brokers, major OEMs, and more than 60 of the industry’s leading products and services providers. The Spring 2021 IADA Market Report is available at https://aircraftexchange.com/market-report.

During the first quarter of 2021, the IADA Market Report indicated IADA-accredited dealers closed 211 aircraft transactions, had 246 aircraft under contract, and executed 119 acquisition agreements. IADA dealers were exclusively retained to sell 157 aircraft, and transaction prices were lowered on only 27 aircraft, while 41 transactions fell apart for one reason or another, which is about average for the previous three quarters.

About IADA
The International Aircraft Dealers Association is the collective force influencing and shaping the aircraft transaction industry. With accredited dealers of all sizes, and dozens of verified Products and Services members skilled in aircraft transactions, IADA is the acknowledged leader in developing industry standards for efficient, effective and ethical business aircraft transactions.

Working for business aircraft owners globally, the International Aircraft Dealers Association provides a facility for professional standards, ethics and exchange of information among its members and to the public for the purpose of creating a more efficient market, facilitating transactions and providing transparency in transactions, thereby increasing business aircraft ownership and usage worldwide. For more info about IADA go to www.IADA.aero.

About IADA's AircraftExchange.com
AircraftExchange is the exclusive online marketplace for IADA. The public search portal was created to provide business jet and private jet buyers a trustworthy and efficient way to identify, locate and purchase pre-owned aircraft from the most ethical dealers and brokers in the world.

Only IADA-accredited aircraft dealers may list used aircraft for sale on this search portal, where buyers can shop from an average of 500 listings at any given time. For more info about AircraftExchange.com go to Aircraft For Sale Exclusively by IADA | AircraftExchange.

IADA Media Contact
Jim Gregory
for International Aircraft Dealers Association
James Gregory Consultancy llc
(316) 558-8578

Posted on: April 19, 2021